December 2021 was the month we choose to launch our social project, whose name we were unveiling for a few weeks. In an irreverent way, we assumed our difference and at the foundations of our business project we have “people”.
“Our” people, integral part of our teams, and the universe of “people” who gravitate around us, where we highlight the “people” of our customers who are at the focus of our daily attention and care.
We do not forget all the “people”, suppliers, partners and friends who daily support us in the realization of this path.
But we knew that we could not stop here. We understood that company missions have an obligation to go further and we went further, as our communication assertively declares. (far beyond logistics)
Therefore, we embraced a solidarity project that we decided to call Mind4People! A project where “people” is always in first place. From an enlarged solidarity root, our teams and their families are deeply involved in this path.
At the end of 2021 and during 2022 we get there from the most diverse ways. We prepare Christmas and Easter baskets, take children to their first Circus experience and recently to an amazing trip to visit Lisbon Oceanarium. And we’re going to keep on going.
We want to keep taking a little of us to those who need it most!